Even today, women are being taught that as women, they are naturally submissive and should submit to their husbands when the time comes for them to become wives. Indeed, the common wisdom, when it comes to Dominance, is that this is a trait specific to men and that’s how it’s supposed to be.
Yes, even today…
And if, as a female reader, this assertion has made you feel uncomfortable, then congratulation, sister. There is a new order in the world, where things are back to where they should be, just like they were in the days of matriarchal societies. Days gone by when the women were the leaders of men, and men didn’t think that being lead by women made them any less men then they were!
Still, there is this doubt, tucked away in the recess of many a woman’s mind. A doubt about her natural Dominance over her man, and a misguided assumption that a real man would never allow himself to be submissive!
How do I turn my husband into a submissive man? He is a “male” kind of man, does “guy stuff”, he knows what he wants, there’s no way he would ever accept to “submit” to me, in bed or anywhere else for that matter!
I hear this a hundred times from women I talk to who are interested in asserting some sort of dominance over their men, but think their men would never want such a thing to happen.
Besides, they also say…
I don’t want to turn my man into some kind of brainless metro sexual thing. I like him strong and powerful… If don’t think my husband can ever become a submissive to anyone, let alone me… And I really don’t want him to be subservient to me either…
So let me begin this article by saying that I love strong, powerful men. Guys with an attitude, a self awareness that they know have got “it”. Good looking guys, who will be at my side, will support me, will help me in times of need and hold me when I need it.
In a relationship when the woman is the Dominant, and the male her sub, it is often assumed that the man becomes some kind of subservient slave, some spineless dude who will do just about everything to please his wife, even if that means throwing away is “maleness”. His virility!
And nothing could be further from the truth. The men I control (now, or in the past) have never lost the sense of who they are, never lose their virility, never become slave, because that would imply a lack of free will on their part.
My men want, (really want), to be submissive to me, and anything I ask them to do, they do so willingly, eagerly and without any form of coercion. Of course I have trained them to be just how I like them to be, but here is the wonderful thing about it:
You can be trained too!
You just need the knowledge, it’s not difficult, your husband will love it, and the more you train him, the more he will want to please you!
And that, a man in love, is the sweetest thing of all!