Does A Woman Need To Be Dominant To Learn About The Secrets Of Submission?

Dominant WomanDominant Women (alpha women) are becoming more and more popular these days. From the rise of the Iron Lady to the advent of political and dominating ladies who willfully chew anyone for breakfast (from both parties), Dominant women are certainly on the rise. And not just in the political realm. Sexual Female Dominance is also becoming increasingly fashionable and the sexually Dominant Woman seems to have become a very sought after person in dating circles.

There is an inherently exhilarating element in the discovery (and practice!) of safe and fun erotic female dominance over man and it is precisely what Miss Young sets out to unleash in her most exquisite course!

Download Secrets of Submission

But does a woman need to be naturally Dominant (born as a Dominant), in order to learn about the Secrets of Submission, or can these extraordinarily powerful techniques be taught to any woman, even those amongst us who are naturally submissive?

In other words, can any woman be taught to be an alpha woman?

It is an interesting question and my own view is that as a general rule, females are born to be the dominant force.  Historical circumstances (we know what they are) have meant that women have had to show submission in order to survive in male dominated societies, but that does not mean that they were inherently submissive.  As a survival mechanism, their dominating side was disguised but if there is anything a woman is particularly adept at doing, it is to adjust to circumstances and some women, even the more “submissive” ones have long ago learned that even the most powerful men can be sexually “ruled”.

And here comes the really wonderful part, once a woman becomes knowledgeable about how to sexually dominate her man, her control over him inevitably extends way past the confines of their bedroom.

All she needs is to be told what to do, and her nature will always do the rest.

So, in this article, I have not tried to define how to find a Dominant (alpha) woman, besides most of readers are females, but rather how any woman can re-discover her own natural Dominance.

One of the questions women ask me is why would any woman want to be sexually dominant, what’s in it for them, and why would any man even accept to become the submissive partner in this erotic dominance play.

I will address these issues in later articles, but suffice to say that I don’t know of any man who having been a relationship with a Dominant woman who knows all about the Secrets of Submission would want anything else.

Let me say this another way.  Once YOU become the expert in the three techniques taught in the Miss Ivy Young’s exhilarating book, your man will not want to go back.  Not only that, he will have been so entirely smitten by your sexual dominance that his devotion to you will know no boundaries!

Download Secrets of Submission

And as you read through the articles on this site and get yourself ready to take the next step and order the course for yourself, you may question your husband’s willingness to even keep an open mind and try these techniques.

That would of course be a valid point, but here is the truly wonderful part.  He will be transformed in a loving, sexual thang, intent on pleasing you, and won’t even realize it.

You see, all men, even the most powerful leaders, love to be sexually submissive.  They just don’t know that they do.

So give it a go, there is a sixty day refund guarantee if you are not satisfied, but my challenge to you is that once you start to enjoy the enormous and exquisite advantages that come with the Secrets of Submission, you will wonder how on earth you were able to cope without.

The truth is of course that you weren’t, you wouldn’t be here right now, if you were. Nor would you be contemplating taking this course if your relationship was all that it could be!

In a next article I will talk about what erotic sexual dominance is and give my two cents to the concept of male submission and the wonderful qualities of submissive boyfriends (husbands).

In the meantime…  To the Dominant Queen in you, my dear female reader…