Being a Submissive Male

It was my grand mother who said it first and I’ll never forget it for as long as I live:

“Men, (and I don’t care who they are), know that deep down they are submissive!”

Submissive-MaleI was a 12 or 13 old girl when this old and wise un-assuming woman, (a picture of the all American work-at-home Mother who’s job it was to look after a family, the house, her husband) said this to me, one afternoon as she was putting the final touches to some ironing she had planned on doing that day.

For a while, I thought she was being fastidious, and so I laughed out loud at her “cheeky” joke only for her to look at me with more intensity than I had ever felt before.

“Don’t laugh” she warned! “They act all grand and powerful but they wouldn’t be able to survive one week without the authority of a woman and if women knew how to exploit that weakness in their character, men would no longer spend untold amount of energy trying to deny that deep down yes, they were submissive males, and yes, they’d really love it.”

I remember this conversation as if it had taken place yesterday, and yet if was nearly 30 years ago.  And even though I didn’t fully grasp the full meaning of what my old Grandma was saying it was enough for my young and avidly curious mind to start raising questions as to the dynamics that exist between men (the so called stronger sex) and us women (the so called weaker sex) and from that point on, I started paying attention!

And as I went through my teenage years, onto college, the work force and then ultimately motherhood, I began to understand exactly what she meant!

Men need the authority of a female presence in their life, and without it, without that authority, that order they would feel a sense of emptiness in their life. In order words, men NEED to be submissive

But it is something for a woman to know that men are needy creatures looking to be dominated by their wife, but quite another to actually act on it, and it took a divorce from my first husband to decide that if I was ever going to let another man into my life, it would have to be on my terms.

My next male partner would have to agree to be my submissive, in the bedroom and elsewhere, and if he didn’t want to be a submissive male, I would simply find one who would!

And with that in mind, I joined a dating site and the first thing I wrote was:

Alpha Woman seeks handsome and manly submissive man for a life of happiness!

Within two days, my inbox was full!  Men had something to say.  And whilst some of the responses I got were derisory and even insulting, the vast majority were wholly agreeable to the idea of becoming my sub.

A few months later, one of these “sub” males became my husband and we have been living a life of bliss ever since!

Of course it helped that I set the rules from the beginning and men knew exactly what to expect from me from the moment they contacted me.  The nature of my profile was self explanatory, men knew that I was looking for a submissive, and the submissive males responded.  It was that easy.

A married friend of mine was reminding me of this fact the other day, saying that I was “lucky” as I was able to start my new life from a “clean slate” but not all women where in that position.

She had a valid point of course.  So I suggested that she showed my website to her husband one day, without telling him it was mine, Just leave it there for him to look at, and judge his reaction. Or lack thereof!

A couple of weeks later she called me on the phone!  “you remember what you told me about showing your site to my husband?” she said excitedly!  “Well I did, and I cannot even begin to tell you how it has affected him!  Took him a few days to say it, but the other night, during dinner he said something to me that was absolutely incredible!”

“He said that he could see the attraction!!!”

And guess what?  My friend bought the Miss Young Secrets of Submission Course!